Personal Requirements

  • Please contact our billing specialist to discuss billing expectations and understand global time period for your surgery.
  • Day of surgery must bring: Driver’s license, insurance card, deductible, co-payment and/or co-insurance. Please bring a valid form of payment with you. Our billing specialist can assist you with this. Please call or meet with them the day you decide to schedule surgery.
  • Must have an adult (18 years or older) drive you home from the facility unless you are only using a local anesthetic. Any other form of anesthesia requires another person over 18 years old to drive you home after your procedure. (See types of anesthesia below)
  • review list of medications which must be discontinued prior to surgery (link to medication list)
  • nothing to eat at midnight the night before surgery
  • You may take daily necessary medications the morning of surgery with a sip of water
  • Actions which will result in cancellation of your surgery are:
  • Confirm date and time and location of follow-up
  • Confirm with physician immediate limitations of operated extremity.
  • Cancellation policy: If you cancel your surgery with less than a 72 hour notice there will be a $300.00 fee.