About Us

Mission Statement: The Hand Center is a Surgery Center dedicated to providing quality patient care with unrelenting attention to clinical excellence, patient safety and unparalleled passion and commitment to assure the very best surgical care to our patients.


THC is licensed and accredited by Medicare and the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) and we are dedicated to providing you with the excellent healthcare that you expect.


Joint Venture with OhioHealth. The Center is a joint venture between a group of Columbus area doctors and OhioHealth.

Patient Forms

For your convenience, patient forms can be downloaded, printed and completed by you at home. Please bring the completed forms to our office at the time of your visit. Please make sure to sign all forms.

Preparing for Surgery

In order for us to provide the best care for you please read the following information.

The Hand Center, LLC (THC)

A more private, convenient and cost-effective alternative to a hospital environment, The Hand Center, LLC is committed to being the premier provider of outpatient surgeries and procedures in Columbus, Ohio, offering new procedures and fast-acting anesthetics to expedite both recovery time and your return to home, work and other activities.

The Hand Center, LLC (THC) has been designed with patients in mind. We are proud to be the facility of choice for surgeons in the Columbus Ohio area. THC is licensed and accredited by Medicare and the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) and we are dedicated to providing you with the excellent healthcare that you expect. We strive to provide you and your family a safe, comfortable experience beginning with a call prior to your surgery to discuss your plan and answer any questions you may have Patients who elect to have surgery at the Ambulatory Surgery Center arrive on the day of the procedure, have the surgery in a fully equipped operating room and recover under the care of the nursing staff, all without hospital admission.


Who We Are

People throughout Ohio and surrounding states seek specialized care for their hands and arms at Hand and Microsurgery Associates.

Our physicians specialize in hand and arm microsurgery, therapy, and other advanced upper-extremity medical treatments. In addition to traditional medical education and surgical residencies, each of our doctors received two years of fellowship training focused solely on treatment of hand and arm injuries.

For more information visit website of Hand and Microsurgery Associates.


Our Mission & Vision

Mission Statement: The Hand Center is a Surgery Center dedicated to providing quality patient care with unrelenting attention to clinical excellence, patient safety and unparalleled passion and commitment to assure the very best surgical care to our patients.

The Hand Center

Expect savings

Our patients can expect savings of up to 20 to 50 percent compared to the same procedure performed at a local hospital, significantly reducing the out-of-pocket expense. The Hand Center has more to offer than just savings. Combined with our welcoming environment, caring health professionals, and latest in equipment and surgical techniques, we provide the value that you expect but rarely find in health care today.

All procedures at The Hand Center...

All procedures at The Hand Center are performed in collaboration with a highly qualified team of anesthesiology specialists, including board certified anesthesiologists and certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs). An anesthesiologist is a physician who specializes in administration of anesthesia and manages patients while under sedation. They play an important but rarely witnessed role in the operating theater.

Our Process

The role of The Hand Center’s anesthesiologists begins with a thorough pre-operative evaluation of each patient and consultation with the surgical team. The team carefully coordinates the anesthetic needs of the patient, the patient’s response to the medication and the requirements of the surgery. During the procedure, the anesthesiologist provides pain control medication and supervises life-support functions. In addition, the anesthesiologist and / or CRNA provides continual medical assessment of the patient. Following surgery, the anesthesiologist ensures each patient fully emerges from the effects of the anesthesia and regains full consciousness.

Patient’s safety and comfort

The utmost concern of the anesthesiology team is the patient’s safety and comfort before, during and after an experience at The Hand Center Patients are encouraged to ask their doctor if their procedure or surgery can be performed at The Hand Center. Advances in surgical technology are making many surgeries, typically performed at the hospital, available in an outpatient setting. New procedures are continually approved, offering patients the opportunity for faster recovery, reduced medical expense and improved outcomes.